Tuesday, August 29, 2017

What is all this talk of fascism really about

Everyone who is anyone is panicked about resurgent fascism. To hear the chattering classes tell it, there's a Brownshirt under every bed and Trump is if not Hitler, then at least Mussolini. But Brendan O'Neill argues that what's really going on is the return of normal politics. And all this fascist talk? The screeches of elites who believed that all the "New World Order" bilge was actually true and guaranteed them power in some noveau version of a very ancien regime. As O'Neill puts it:

This, precisely, is what they mean when they say ‘fascism’. They mean you, me, ordinary people; people who have dared to say that they want to influence politics again following years of being frozen out. When they say fascism, they mean democracy.

Yes dear friends, you're the fascist bogeyman. So next time you run into a scribbler or apparatchik: say "boo". They might just soil their knickers.


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