Every time someone reads this blog an angel gets its wings. - Zuzu, the Elder
Monday, June 30, 2014
If San Francisco is the nation's most selfish community it's because it's the nation's most "progressive" community
Joke: Barack Obama now googling whether an executive order can override Supreme Court isn't joke.
For every 100 girls..
It's not surprising that we released Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Who knows? Maybe someday we'll recover our taste for prophylactic killing. That day will be a bloody day indeed.
We still have some First Amendment rights
Just what is public employee union "work"?
The college cost crime of the century continues to inflate because so many articulate people have a vested interest in it persisting
A lot of journalists have spouses with tenure or sweet administration jobs. And the leftist borg increasingly runs on academic money. And the kids? Kids don't vote. Don't have money. Listen to their professors. So fuck the kids.
More about this aspect of the kinder rape here.
Shoddy Atlantic articles: because shilling for Hillary is their reason to live
Atlantic feminist advocate highlights 51 minute difference in housework while ignoring men's proportionately longer work outside the home. It turns out that all in women and men in a household work the same amount. It's just a different mix. Which if you've ever lived with a member of the opposite sex is what you'd expect. Unless you're a shrieking ideologue. Or cynical leftist pol.
In fairness, lying about housework versus total work effort for women and men is a universal. Even my very conservative pastor did so and when I called him on it he emailed me back "yes I know but I can't tell them that".
It seems women want to be lied to.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Essays in stupidity: eliminate anonymity and wonder why sperm donations collapse
Who would have thought that men respond to incentives?
The logical asininity of 'promoting democracy'
So why do we think that everyone else doesn't have democracy in the first place? If democracy is rule by the people and the people acquiesce to the rule of a Medieval monarchy like the House of Saud haven't the people spoken? People aren't fleeing Saudi Arabia in boxcar lots are they? But people are fleeing 'democracies' like El Salvador, hell they're launching their kids unguided over our borders squawking "donde esta la migra" over and over again like little kewpie dolls with microchips shoved up their asses. They're doing this because their 'rule by the people' sucks so bad. And if a 'democracy' chooses things we don't like - those Nigerians and Utahans seem to have it in for gays, for example - we dismiss their views as being 'bigoted'. So we really don't want democracy so much as we want conformance to liberal norms of behavior - one of which is going through the motions of regular elections where there are multiple parties who all agree with our western liberal norms. Even if these need to be imposed by decidedly anti-democratic means like a bunch of old lawyers in black mummus decreeing it shall be so.
We are so tolerant of those who define tolerance the way we do, aren't we? But that's not really democracy is it? It's internationalist republicanism where the 'constitution' is defined by a narrow and oh so shallow liberal elite whose opinions evolve along with whatever happens to be fashionable in New York, London, Paris and San Francisco - perhaps Berlin but not much beyond them - Sorry Toronto and Boston, you're boring - you too Rome. And Athens: shut up.
And just in case you haven't noticed, it's not working. The liberal consensus is dissolving all around us. And the further the righteous push it, the more it breaks because oddly enough while most people want all the clever doodads that westernization brings they don't necessarily want all the self righteous white man's new burden crap that goes with it - maybe the Japanese do but who outside of Japan really knows what the Japanese think?
Now whether or not you can import 'modern' things without importing the 'western' cultural potting soil that they grew in is an interesting question being tested as we speak. The Chinese, Russians and Arabs in particular are trying hard to divorce modernity and westernization so good luck with that. But one thing is certain: Euro-American style liberal democracy isn't really on offer, even in most of the 'democracies' that exist today. And I would argue it many cases it's not on offer because the demos there doesn't want it. Or at least they don't value it over other more pressing needs like culture, peace, stability, family.
In honor of this astoundingly obvious observation, I propose an updated "Good Neighbor Policy" to deal with our complicated little world. There are two absolute rules that we all must live by in our little corner of the universe: first, we keep our hands to ourselves - we don't mess with the neighbors, don't invade their pools or kidnap their kids (unless they want us to). Within our own little plot of heaven (or hell) we are free to do what we want, beat the wife and kids, run medical experiments, fill our pool with jello so long as we do it quietly and the beatings happen the basement so no one outside the family can see or hear or find evidence of them without looking in our trash cans. Because if you were to violate our second rule: Don't embarrass the neighborhood, we might be forced to come in and replace you with someone who is more amenable to our rules. We're not going to change your religion or your tradition of wife beating if that's your bag, baby, but we do require you to follow the two key rules or else. If you want help, we'll help up to a certain degree - but we're neighbors, not your fucking parents. Just keep the chaos down to a dull roar and cut your grass once in a while and we'll leave you alone, OK?
If we'd done that in Iraq and Afghanistan we'd have been out in a jiffy. And whomever we put in when we left would have treated us and by extension our oh so liberal bien pensant allies with a thoughtful circumspection - the hammer of Thor gets a lot of respect only when it is used decisively and quickly withdrawn. When it sits in the corner rusting people start wondering if it's really that hammery after all. As George Washington sagely observed: we're not the guarantors of anyone's liberty but our own. So if you want what we've got work for it and in the mean time, mind your Ps and Qs. Okay?
Alan Colmes is a faceless mediocrity who says idiotic things because it's the only way he gets noticed
Well it'd be better than touching any appendage of the Colmester. Eeuuww.
Fox’s Alan Colmes thinks conservatives are so obsessed with the Constitution that they’d like to fornicate with it.
"Colmes is like Pee Wee Herman saying 'If you love it why don't you marry it?' Except Colmes is cruder."
"And yet it was Pee Wee Herman who got arrested for masturbating in a theater. It's so unfair!" - Ann Althouse
If Jackie Robinson had played baseball the way that Barack Obama plays President....
...then the major leagues would have been segregated a lot longer. If you're going to get the electoral and moral benefits of being the "first" it helps if you are, you know, good at your job.
Just sayin'.
Hattip Glenn Reynolds
The logical asininity of 'fundamental transformation'
Or consider, finally, that we were born into the freest, strongest, and wealthiest nation that mankind has ever known—and elected as our president a man who promised to “fundamentally transform” it.
Not preserve it. Not enhance it. Not reform it. But transform it. Why did he say that? Did anyone ask him? Did we take him seriously? Did he take himself seriously? Isn't that statement a profound insult to the United States? Would you tell your bride-to-be that you are marrying her to 'fundamentally transform' her?
Why do we tolerate statements from our leaders no less that are so hostile to our society and culture? I know that I use this type of rhetoric from time to time (all the frickin' time - the couch; piss off couch - me). But I'm not running for President or Congressman or dogcatcher for that matter. And what would it take to fundamentally transform dog catching in this country? Letting dogs run wild? Or rounding up any dog found on the street, including those being led on a leash? Either way would be a major change that we would notice. But it would be far from a fundamental transformation - you'd just about have to kill all dogs to make a fundamental transformation. That's why anyone who ran for dogcatcher (do people really do that?) would never promise something as irresponsible as fundamental transformation. Yet we elect, indeed the press celebrates as 'saviors' those who say such things and international committees give Nobel Prizes to Presidents who've done nothing but say such things.
Why? Damned if I know. It's just about as stupid as saying we will 'promote democracy'.
This chick would have been right at home in Mao's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
But what really is terrifying is this Swarthmore sophomore had to have learned to think this way from from her expensive college education. What a waste of a mind and money.
Listen to Erin Ching, Class of 16: “What really bothered me,” Ching was quoted in the Swarthmore student newspaper as saying, “is the whole idea that at a liberal arts college, we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion. I don’t think we should be tolerating [George’s] conservative views because that dominant culture embeds these deep inequalities in our society
Read about the travesty that is "liberal" education at Swarthmore here.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
If your police department has one of these then they are dangerous jackasses. Fire them.

According to these Ohio cops, I was endangering my children throughout their childhood
The trouble started when a bus from the Woodville Baptist Church came to pick up 8-year-old Justin and his siblings, Williamson said."My kids run in the house in the living room here and tell me, 'Hey, Dad, the church van's here. We're leaving. We're going on to church,' " Williamson said."I said, 'OK.' "Williamson said he didn't know Justin didn't get on the bus."He just wanted to go play in the neighborhood," he said.
It is good that these stories of petty minds and police badgering get out to the world, as a way of perhaps, somehow, keeping power in check. But I don’t want you to now fear your own 8-year-old walking to the Dollar Store, or playing in the nabe. These stories are rare and outrageous enough that they MAKE it to the news. I report them here to remind us that there is a power structure we MUST FIGHT that can take away our rights as parents, kids and citizens. But not that any time an 8-year-old goes to buy a $1 squirt gun, he’s going to get his parents arrested. (Unless, of course, he brings that squirt gun to school.)
Gee the Chicoms HAVE mellowed - send dissidents on all expense paid vacations
Hattip Tyler Cowen
Why Americans rightly hate soccer
Fred Phelps was wrong
Friday, June 27, 2014
Another way our Stupor State encourages inequality of wealth?
The result of all that is the effective death of the IPO. The number of public companies in the US has dropped dramatically. And then correspondingly, growth companies go public much later. Microsoft went out at under $1 billion, Facebook went out at $80 billion. Gains from the growth accrue to the private investor, not the public investor…
Most American retirement savings is invested in the public stock market. Most Americans can’t invest in private companies and most Americans can’t invest in venture capital and private equity funds. They’re actually prohibited from doing so by the SEC. If you both prohibit them from investing in private growth and wire the market so they can’t get into public growth, then you can’t be invested in growth. That raises the societal question of how are we going to pay for retirements. That’s the question that needs to be asked that nobody asks because it’s too scary.
The full interview is here.
- See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/#sthash.7IlTEnEd.dpuf
Stupid Republicans blow huge sums to see off most committed supporters
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Where is the Dems' Howard Baker?
Howard Baker died today. He stood up to the President if his own party and in the end told him to resign. In doing so he put nation before party. Given the scandals today where is the Democrat Howard Baker? Ht instapundut
Now the FDA has provoked a shortage of saline solution
1937 Redux?
We're not there and the President has far less power today than he had under FDR - much of the real power in our nation has leached away to the unelected banker catspaws in the Federal Reserve and the immense and immovable regulatory state. But there's no doubt that confidence in the Federal Government has collapsed and given its enormous power, mostly for bad, that's a terrible portent for the future.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
How the "science" gets "settled" in the criminal "justice" system.
Arson testimony by "highly credible" witnesses who didn't know what the heck they were talking about lead to false convictions.
Gee where else does this happen?
GDP down 2.9 percent annual rate in Q1
The data has really swung around a lot this time. I wonder what's going on?
Denigrate and disincent the bourgeois values
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
“Other countries know how to do this,” Obama said. “If France can figure this out, we can figure it out.”“Many women can’t even get a paid day off to give birth,” Obama said. “There is only one developed country in the world that does not offer paid maternity leave, and that is us. And that is not a list you want to be on, by your lonesome.”
The 'rape' epidemic is the 'hookup' culture is the practical result of modern 'feminism' - Harvey Mansfield
Climate Change Burnout: Lying liars lose leverage with the lied to
Pragmatism is the first refuge of a scoundrel
In politics, many debates are polarised for a reason. There are usually profound differences in the ideological priors underlying viewpoints and the interpretation of evidence. We should therefore be suspicious of the arrogance of those who feel they don’t have to formulate arguments from first principles, and instead unilaterally announce themselves and their ideas as above debate.
How often do we hear, for example, “it’s time to take the ideology out of this debate”, or, worse, “I’m only interested in what works”? Often these are rhetorical devices which simply mean “shut up, and accept I’m right”. But in other instances, users of these banal phrases seem genuinely unaware that what they are saying has any sort of ideological assumptions underpinning it.
- Ryan Bourne
New York State: Nannies from hell
New York state lawmakers have passed a bill banning residents from taking “tiger selfies” — a rising trend on dating websites in which single men post photos of themselves posing with the ferocious felines in hopes of impressing potential mates. - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/#sthash.uY9iqf31.dpuf
President Obama was led to understand that there would be no math on the campus sexual assault crisis
As tolerance erodes so does our civil society
Monday, June 23, 2014
The law enforcement thug aesthetic

Piketty' s big book of Marxiness
Are all Democrat women insane puritan hysterics or just the ones that work for Obama
Because this whole sexual assault explicit consent for sex and stripping citizens of their due process rights sounds more Cotton Mather than Hugh Hefner. Of course hookers always negotiate explicit consent so maybe the bemammaried Obami are just whores?
Cathy Young in incredulous disbelief here.
Rich Democrat funding group knuckles under to the union establishment
Matt Bai describes how the Democracy Alliance of rich idealists who were trying to reform the party from the outside has been coopted by the Dem crony union establishment.
It seems that power is the only ideology on the left these days. Read it and...weep? Chuckle? Cackle? Guffaw?
The Co founder of Greenpeace provides some inconvenient truths
2. The global climate has been much warmer than it is today during most of the existence of life on Earth. Today we are in an interglacial period of the Pleistocene Ice Age that began 2.5 million years ago and has not ended.
3. There was an Ice Age 450 million years ago when CO2 was about 10 times higher than it is today.
4. Humans evolved in the tropics near the equator. We are a tropical species and can only survive in colder climates due to fire, clothing and shelter.
5. CO2 is the most important food for all life on earth. All green plants use CO2 to produce the sugars that provide energy for their growth and our growth. Without CO2 in the atmosphere carbon-based life could never have evolved.
6. The optimum CO2 level for most plants is about 1600 parts per million, four times higher than the level today. This is why greenhouse growers purposely inject the CO2-rich exhaust from their gas and wood-fired heaters into the greenhouse, resulting in a 40-80 per cent increase in growth.
7. If human emissions of CO2 do end up causing significant warming (which is not certain) it may be possible to grow food crops in northern Canada and Russia, vast areas that are now too cold for agriculture.
8. Whether increased CO2 levels cause significant warming or not, the increased CO2 levels themselves will result in considerable increases in the growth rate of plants, including our food crops and forests.
9. There has been no further global warming for nearly 18 years during which time about 25 per cent of all the CO2 ever emitted by humans has been added to the atmosphere. How long will it remain flat and will it next go up or back down? Now we are out of the realm of facts and back into the game of predictions
Kerry "working hard to get lesbian, gay and transgendered ambassadors"
With eastern Europe and the middle east going foom it's good that someone in the administration is staying focused on the big picture.
What a maroon.
Sun addiction - the same biochemistry as drug adduction
This is unacceptable. Tanning must be banned with long prison terms for sun trafficking. Burkhas will becime mandatory fir all.
I'm sure the DEA wankers will get right on it. After all, they like hurting people.
Polish foreign minister "US alliance worthless"
Because it gives a false sense of security. I would also add because any time Dems get power they abandon long held commitments in favor of expanding the domestic state and enforcing their grubby little racial and gender orthodoxies.
They don't seem to stand for any transcendent or noble ideal anymore. It's all just rent seeking and soft fascism. No wonder Noone trusts them.
Fascinating perspective on the hidden costs of relying on the state
It costs recipients much more than 'free' would suggest.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Criminal taxi monopolization is a crime that's coming to an end
Hillary Clinton So many petards, so little time
![]() |
Golly I'd do just about anything for power. |
Life among the narcissistic
THE FRENEMY OF MY FRENEMY IS, ER, . . . Inside the jealous feud between the Obamas and ‘Hildebeest’ Clintons.
I love this: “And so Bill continued to talk about Hillary’s qualifications . . . and the coming campaign in 2016. But Barack didn’t bite. He changed the subject several times. Then suddenly, Barack said something that took Bill by complete surprise. He said, ‘You know, Michelle would make a great presidential candidate, too
George Will: Obama needs to be sued by Congress for..
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Asymmetry, Binary Outcomes and the Iranian Bomb
So what exactly are these 'delicate' negotiations for? I was never very good at set theory in junior high but I do know my Venn diagrams and I know that two sets that have no elements in common are represented by two circles that don't intersect. And all of geopolitics is simply figuring out where the two circles do intersect and finding out how to amicably allocate the interests within. When nations face adversaries whose interests don't intersect, where conflict is binary so one side must lose - we no longer call it geopolitics, we call it war.
So again, what is the purpose of these oh so delicate negotiations? We know Iran's purpose: take the sanctions pressure off the economy for a time and freeze the US and particularly Israel from intervening in a more 'kinetic' manner. The Iranians know the longer they draw the negotiations out the closer they get to their goal and they know that an attack on their nuclear facilities during negotiations would seriously damage (a goody two shoes Sunday school teacher of a power like) the United States' prestige and standing in the world community. So it's a no brainer for the Ayatollahs to jaw jaw until their first successful test. But what is our incentive to participate in these delicate but oh so useless negotiations? I honestly don't know but if you've concluded that Iran is going to get a bomb anyway or should have one anyway because it's 'only fair' and if you then decide that there is no point in you or Israel attacking Iran - it will just upset the natives, provoke retaliation and won't stop the bomb anyway, then 'negotiations' are a way to keep your allies in the region and the opposition back home off of your back until the inevitable fait accompli shows up. Jaw Jaw is the easiest way to avoid acting. Call it the Neville Chamberlain gambit.
But the problem with thinking that this is just a new Munich is that Munich actually was an attempt to reapportion the intersecting interests between Germany and its neighbors in a way that would appease Germany (in the old non-pejorative definition of appease meaning: giving them just enough so they'll go pester someone else) . In other words it wasn't objectively insane to enter into negotiations with Germany - although negotiating with Hitler turned out to be quite crazy. Because Hitler's true goal was as binary as the Ayatollahs. But the Obami can't pretend to be aging Tory cowards traumatized by the Great War to get our sympathy because we know what the turban topped, man-dress minions are up to.
And that means that the fake negotiation gambit is extremely damaging to US and world interests because this situation is so damn asymmetric. Asymmetry is the extent to which two sides of a coin, a human or a negotiation are not identical or the mirror image of each other. A symmetric negotiation would be two countries dickering over a patch of land and crazed villagers between them where the two sides are similar in power and both want the land and not the crazed villagers. In that situation neither side can overpower the other, there are lots of intermediate solutions and variables that can be traded and whatever outcome ensues will dissatisfy the most ardent proponents on both sides mostly because everyone hates crazed villagers. Even binary negotiations can be symmetric if the outcomes of losing are similar to both sides, for example, if you and I bet on a coin flip and we each stand to gain or lose a dollar then the game is 'symmetric'.
Our little tête-à-tête with the Irano-fascists is anything but symmetric. In fact it's more like a coin flip game where if the Ayatollahs lose they pay a dollar and if we lose we pay a trillion. This is because of who we are and because the Iranian positive outcome is a disaster for us while a win for us merely sustains the unpleasant status quo.
I say this because I can foresee two different negative outcomes arising out of our leaders' exaggerated delicacy: Outcome one with a 99% chance of happening is that the Iranians, emboldened by their nuclear deterrent try to take control of Shia Iraq and foment a revolution in the Shia strongholds of eastern Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Further afield, Iran aggressively promotes revolutions in Syria and Lebanon while at home they attempt to occupy the former Persian province of Azerbaijan. If they succeed they control the lion's share of middle east oil and can blackmail the world and fund Jihad to their black hearts' content. The Arabs will fight like hell to stop this and get their own nukes. And in the end either the Iranians or some coalition of benuked Arabs will win. But in the meantime total war destroys a lot of the world's oil production and the world falls into a deep (but low carbon!) recession. The US and Israel avoid getting directly involved because they realize that as soon as they do their citizens will be exposed to nuclear terror. So they say 'sorry boys, good luck and all that, don't you know' or its Hebrew equivalent while keeping their deadly cohorts on the sideline.

That's the 99% probability solution - the good outcome, the best we can probably hope for and it will play out with many twists and turns over time. The 1% probability outcome is some mixture of all of the above and a nuclear detonation in a major international city either in the region or somewhere else. The moment that happens the world's borders close. Trade collapses, economies collapse, governments collapse. Old rivalries become acute and countries that have been held together primarily by high commodity prices like Russia or massive exports like China fall into chaos. Their huge and heavily armed forces go freelance and their nukes go walkabout.
So if the Iran Ian get nukes there is a strong probability of a many trillion dollar disaster that could seriously hurt the world economy and then there's the bad outcome which is a hundred trillion dollar tens of millions of lives catastrophe.
Illinois ticket quota ban is useless to stop nation's 'stationary badged bandits'
So if they'll screw with me, they'll screw with anyone. Which makes me very supportive of anything that might restrain the stationary bandits that line our highways and byways looking for an excuse to relieve us of our wallets and cars. But the notion of a 'quota ban' is clearly bubba bait designed by the Illinois legislature to deflect attention without solving the problem. You can tell it is because the second most corrupt state - New Jersey is quickly taking it up. Innovations in state criminality spread rapidly. The real game is the criminal forfeiture and besides your average speed trap burg has only a few cops and since the entire city government is typically a criminal enterprise, omerta will protect the guilty.
No, what's needed is a limiting law. Municipalities should be limited in the number of traffic fines that they can assess based upon the traffic volume on their busiest arteries. Some simple number like 2 or 3 times the state median municipality infraction rate should trigger outside scrutiny and result in all the excess fines plus some solid percentage of the other fines to be forfeited to the state and rebated back to the victims on a pro rata basis. Asset forfeiture should be radically narrowed to focus only on serious crimes and the proceeds should not go to the department that does the forfeiture.
Taking these two common sense steps would go a long way towards improving the reputation of the police in our communities. And decent, law abiding policemen (there are some, it's not all stationary bandits out there) should welcome the elimination of corrupt practices that leave conservatives like me more frightened for my kids safety from the depredations of the police than from that of criminals.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Now I get why Amazon got into the smartphone business
Their firefly phone includes a virtual show rooming app that allows you to take a photo of any object and then source it from Amazon. I guess the firefly phone was to push the standard out there sort of like Kindle is a free app now. More here.
The American political system is designed to make things difficult for politicians
Which is a good thing. May we never make it easy by limiting political speech and money. Incumbents are too comfortable as it is. They should be chased through the streets to remind them who they are working for.
Good piece making that case here.
For what profiteth the news media if it gain temporary power if it loses permanent credibility.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Of course nobody is actually going to ban anybody from commenting on the Iraq crisis. We live in a free country, not some communist dictatorship or college campus.
But as college campuses are perhaps the most venal and bigoted places in America, it's not surprising that they would also be the most illiberal.
Maybe we should bitch less and awe more. The emotions evoked by the top 10,000 viral articles.
It's China's currency that's under pressure vis a vis the dollar
This reminds me of an earlier post: surveys indicate that 20 percent of all Chinese housing units are standing empty. The country's a giant crash waiting to happen. The only question is what happens to the Mao Dynasty when the bubble pops? Reform? Repression? or Collapse, chaos and a return to civil war and warlordism. The history of China is replete with dynasties waxing and then falling apart with chaos following in its wake. Never underestimate the ability of the Middle Kingdom to fall apart. It's the thing that has kept China from ruling the world.
And when it happens, as it inevitably will, it will be a ginormous Black Swan.
The scale of global tax evasion is enormous.
Love is hate, war is peace and not tolerating a long used name promotes tolerance: Wapo
Unpopular Redskins stripped of trademark because federal bureaucrat deemed the name 'naughty'
Feminist burns book she disagrees with sends pictures to author
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
So how bad is it that BHO has worse approval ratings than Bush at the same time?
This was always the risk: Dems put forward an untested candidate who could win easily due to the 'historic' nature of his candidacy and his ability to pump up minority turnout. But he's turned into something of a failure as President precisely because he had not developed those political and executive skills that experience in other leadership roles would have given him. It's impossible to not think of this as another example where a bright, talented minority fails because he's pushed too far too fast to develop the capabilities needed for the job he ended up with.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The last president to be such a boon companion of the fabulously rich was Dick Nixon
The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency
And all I can say in response is thank God for that.
Love is hate, war is peace and our Federal government is good and protects and provides for us
It is ironic that an organization that has gotten much worse, delivering less for a much higher cost, incapable of doing the most basic things and routinely implicated in large political and criminal scandals is tasked with dictating 'good business practice' to businesses that by and large are vastly superior in performance, efficiency, responsiveness and ethical behavior to the entity that supposedly regulates them. Truly the meme that the government is all of us working together for our good and protects us from venal private industry is the greatest of the great Orwellian lies. Yet it is taught at every school, preached from virtually every news pulpit and is the highest of the high holy truths imparted from our Ivy covered universities. Who by the way equal the Federal Stupor State in exemplifying incompetent venality while loudly anathematizing it in others.
War is peace, love is hate and our Federal government is good and protects and provides for us. Yep, we've been at war with that lie longer than we've been at war with Eastasia and Eurasia combined.
It seems the IRS can't find anybody's old emails...
The ugliest American is the IRS
Eek Obama! Run! |
Yes he can!
To a liberal like Dana Millbank everything conservatives do is racist
Even my 82 year old father knows that the IRS "the dog ate my email and the backup server and the backup tapes and all the backed up email recipients' email archives too" is a pathetic lie.
It's a pity our "crusading adversarial press" has such a bad collective brain damage that they can only see, write or think about right handed scandals because this IRS abuse of power story has Pulitzer written all over it. Except that our "crusading adversarial selection committee" for the Pulitzer is even more left brain damaged so it could never even conceive of a story about committed lefties using the government to screw righties. Don't think so? Name me the Pulitzer prize winner who wrote accurately and critically (because to be one you must have done the other) about the Soviet Union. You know, an anti - Walter Duranty, the famous NYT "reporter" who reported on the 'wonders' of the Soviet Union while living in the Soviet Union while Stalin was murdering ten to twenty million of his own people, many through man made famine. To give a Pulitzer to that progressive putz for his lies about the soviets and refuse to rescind it when they are uncovered really tells you all you need to know about 'progressive' morality, doesn't it?
Obami 2011: Iraq is our achievement. Obami 2014: That gosh darn George W Bush and his Iraq
Narcissism is believing you can do no wrong because anything that goes wrong is always someone else's fault. And Barack Obama is a very good narcissist. Mark Theissen in Wapo:
In 2011, the situation in Iraq was so good that the Obama administration was actually trying to take credit for it, with Vice President Joe Biden declaring that Iraq “could be one of the great achievements of this administration.”
Now in 2014, as Iraq descends into chaos, Democrats are trying to blame the fiasco on — you guessed it — George W. Bush. “I don’t think this is our responsibility,” said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, declaring that the unfolding disaster in Iraq “represents the failed policies that took us down this path 10 years ago.”
Sorry, but this is a mess of President Obama’s making.
Hattip Instapundit.