Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Millionaires Flee Millionaire's Tax - Clearly they didn't listen to Buffet

How can this be?  Don't they listen to Warren Buffet?  The political types wrote the right runes on the right magic hard drives didn't they?  After that the toffs just lined up for their shearing, right?  I mean 'presto chango' right?  I am so confused.  I thought supply side economics was 'voodoo' - or was that 'doodoo'?

A funny thing often happens on the way to soaking the rich: They don't stick around for the bath. Take Britain, where Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs service reports that the number of taxpayers declaring £1 million a year in income fell by more than 60% in fiscal 2010-2011 from the year before.
That was the year that millionaires became liable for the 50% income-tax rate that Gordon Brown's government introduced in its final days in 2010, up from the previous 40% rate. Lo, the total number of millionaire tax filers plunged to 6,000 in 2010-2011, from 16,000 in 2009-2010.
The new tax was meant to raise about £2.5 billion more revenue. So much for that. In 2009-2010 British millionaires contributed about £13.4 billion to the public coffers, or just under 9% of the total tax liability of all taxpayers that year. At the 50% rate, the shrunken pool yielded £6.5 billion, or about 4.4%....

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