Monday, March 05, 2012

Actual evidence on the Sudafed/Meth nexus

It turns out that all of the hysterical abuse of consumers over Sudafed has.....little or no impact.  Which isn't surprising since most Meth is now made in Mexican Mega Labs and smuggled across our unguarded border.  But the temptation  to oppress their neighbors is too great for our 'leaders' to pass up.  Indeed, the drive to dominate and oppress is written deeply into the sin nature of man.  Which means the only answer is to severely limit their power.  Hattip Reihan Salam.

Courtney Knapp kindly referred me to a new paper by the Cascade Policy Institute by Chris Stomberg and Arun Sharma that will be of great interest to those of you who use cold medicine from time to time. To curb the manufacture and, presumably, the consumption of methamphetamine, Oregon decided require that pharmacies put cold medicines that use pseudoephedrine behind the counter. The authors conclude that while this measure has inconvenienced cold sufferers, it has done little if anything to achieve its intended purpose.

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