Thursday, May 05, 2011

Food Fascism and the arrogance of elites

Once again our governmental and intellectual elites know something that ain't so.  And it costs people their lives. It's not a problem in a free society where the marketplace of ideas and options is robust.  But in a society where the state takes on the role of 'educating' people on 'healthy' habits and where people believe that the state should 'protect' people from themselves incredible harm and cruelty result.

…eliminating or severely limiting fats from the diet may not be beneficial to cardiac function in patients suffering from heart failure, a study at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine reports. Results from biological model studies conducted by assistant professor of physiology and biophysics Margaret Chandler, PhD, and other researchers, demonstrate that a high-fat diet improved overall mechanical function, in other words, the heart’s ability to pump, and was accompanied by cardiac insulin resistance.

How many people has the FDA and the nutrition/industrial complex killed with the fatophobia over the past decades? I’m pretty sure my father was one of them.
And I continue to be amazed at how easy it is to find “low-fat” or “fat-free” products in the interior aisles of the grocery store (especially in the candy aisle…), but almost impossible to find low-sodium products.

Witness the simultaneous drugging of millions of children and punishment of millions of others - all using the exact same substance.  Some with the state's say so 'for their own good' and the remainder punished and imprisoned and destroyed, again, 'for their own good'.

The only 'good' in all of this is for the fascists and lawyers and gun toting elites.  They derive power from manipulating the rest of us.

The question is why we let these evil men do so?

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