Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Competition's Prayer: "Oh Lord let my my opponent do stupid things"

California is destroying itself and Texas is cleaning up.  Joel Kotkin has the tale:

California’s decline is particularly tragic, as it is unnecessary and largely unforced. The state still possesses the basic assets–energy, fertile land, remarkable entrepreneurial talent–to restore its luster. But given its current political trajectory, you can count on Texans, and others, to keep picking up both the state’s jobs and skilled workers. If California wishes to commit economic suicide, Texas and other competitors will gladly lend them a knife.

Hmm, one of the nation's 'freest' states is dominating the nation's next to 'least free' state in the competition for human and financial capital.  Who would have guessed?  I mean I thought all of this 'compassion' and 'state leadership' was going to usher in some new millennium or half decade or something.

Incidentally, this study of social, and economic freedom in the fifty states is a sure fire way to predict prosperity.  All things being equal (demographics, geography) the freest states are the most prosperous.  The two least free?  New York and California.  'Nuff said.

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