Sunday, May 03, 2015

So there are no "trigger" warnings for Free Speech on Campus: ‘F*ck Masculinity’, ‘Fight the Straightness’?

No cries of 'micro aggression'? Orwell was right "All animals are equal but the left most pigs are most equal of all".

Let me preface this by asking: Is anyone really surprised?

This past May Day students and faculty at Cornell marched across campus and sat in a street intersection for over an hour delivering riveting speeches about everything they detest about this country, their university, and their peers.  They later paraded through the farewell party for Cornell’s outgoing president of nine years, and for about twenty minutes chanted and delivered speeches from the stage where a jazz band was playing .

You can read my more comprehensive recap of events over at The Cornell Review.

At the street intersection and on the band stage, protesters took turns delivering short speeches and tirades covering a range of topics, including, but not limited to, the following: systematic racism, sexism, rape culture, the riots in Baltimore, microaggressions, Cornell administrators and trustees, Cornell’s occupation of formerly indigenous lands, capitalism, Israel, the NYPD, oil companies, patriarchy, whiteness, masculinity, and straightness.

What a bunch of bigoted oinkers. More on their squealy grunts here.

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