Thursday, October 16, 2014

Halfwit journalists misuse international league table chart to berate the US: Internet Speeds Edition

Business Intelligence says that the US comes up 'woefully' short on average internet speeds and flashes this chart.

Comparing the United States which is a 3.7 million  square mile empire spread over seven time zones with over 315 million people to South Korea or Hong Kong is insane.  The appropriate comparators would be the US' average speed vs. China's average speed or Europe's aveage speed. The dishonest use of league tables like this are one way that self aggrandizing special interests rush meddling politicians into new manipulations that line their pockets.

It is almost never appropriate to compare the US or China or Brazil or India or Russia to smaller countries - the scale and diversity confounds fair comparisons.  Better to compare individual cities or states to other countries. And when you do that you find that Kansas City's internet speeds average 49.9 mbps while NYC and Washington DC boast averages higher than South Korea or Hong Kong.

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