Friday, November 16, 2012


Take a look at this chart:

Apparently, the high levels of hispanic immigration have driven down hispanic wages relative to the general population.  Hispanics are becoming less economically assimilated over time.  Of course each immigrant came to the US because their situation was improved by moving here so it's clearly not a personal tragedy for them.  If it was, they wouldn't stay.

But it does raise a 'tricky' question.  According to Ruy Texeria et al, the growth in hispanics is generating a permanent Democratic majority.  Indeed the left promotes immigration at least partly for its electoral effects.  Yet the stated reason the left wants to win these elections is to (correct me if I'm wrong) "increase social justice and reduce inequality".  What happens when your tactic for winning power negates your reason for using said power?

Or take the young.  Dems are very focused on (and successful at) recruiting young voters.  Yet the power that they have won via these voters is used to protect and expand entitlement programs that take wealth from the young and give it to 50 and 60 somethings who by and large did not vote for Obama but just happen to have lots of political and economic power.

Again, when one's tactics to win power negate or are negated by one's policies what is left?

Only the power?

Hmmm: tricky.

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