Thursday, March 01, 2012

TSA: Extra special creepy thugs make us less safe

Is there any part of our Federal monster that doesn't make things worse?  Anything?  Here's a list of the ways the TSA makes us less safe.  Way to go guys.

That the TSA fails in its stated goal of keeping prohibited items off airplanes is amply demonstrated by its 70% failure rate in testing, and the continuing presence of loaded handguns and box cutters on flights.And how does TSA make us less safe? Let me count the ways:
The TSA creates vulnerabilities by breaching the integrity of our closed and locked luggage. Hundreds of screeners have been arrested for stealing from passengers. Screener theft betrays a serious security vulnerability, because a dishonest person with access to take things out of your bags is a dishonest person who could be bribed to put something into your bags. In fact, this has already happened with the TSA's drug smuggling rings: how does the screener know whether it's meth or explosives in that sealed container?
The TSA concentrates people in enormous lines right outside the checkpoint, creating a target of opportunity for a bomber who wouldn't ever be screened.
...The TSA forces people with poor balance or in wheelchairs to walk without their walkers or canes, to totter through metal detectors and body scanners, so it's just a matter of time until a passenger breaks a hip trying to comply with these bullies.
The TSA trains children to be vulnerable to sexual predators by teaching children the lesson that anyone with a badge gets to reach inside their clothing and rub them on the body parts that their bathing suits cover.
Finally, the TSA's abusive searches of innocent people cause many of us to drive to our destinations instead of flying. Flying is by far the safest long-distance travel mode, and discouraging flying causes road deaths.
More from Christopher Elliott on the TSA's new "charm offensive," and their sickening bit of PR about screening cute baby otters. Loved this bit about what they find:
Jon Allen, a TSA spokesman in Nashville, "proudly" showed off an entire table of dangerous items at the agency's, "show and tell" last week. They included giant knives, a pepper spray dispenser, a 3-liter box of white wine, even fully-loaded handguns. Allen said the items were largely confiscated within the past five weeks.What's a terrorist going to do with a box of booze on a plane, except get really drunk and show the entire plane that he has extraordinarily bad taste in wine? Likewise, we have no evidence that the knives, the pepper spray and even the loaded guns would be used for anything related to terrorism. More likely, they were packed accidentally and would have been caught with a conventional magnetometer or X-ray machine, anyway.

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