Tuesday, April 19, 2011

America: out bureaucratizing Scandinavia

Mark Steyn got this from a reader in Norway who does business here:

What amazes me is how much more bureaucratic the US has become, as compared to what can only be described as socialist “home turf” here in Norway. Why? Well, Americans seem to have a knack for over-doing everything. Whether it is music, or sports, war or tree-hugging, the Americans simply over do it. So too with bureaucracy (and unions)… It’s a kind of “go big or go home” mentality which permeates American life at so many levels and in so many directions. Which, I suppose, is both good and bad. It has given us the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, jazz, and umpteen other icons. But it has also given us mind bogglingly stupid, bureaucratic decay.
 Well, that's the essence of liberal fascism - the bureaucracy enables the power which enables the money to flow to the powerful.  It's a feature of our system, not a bug.   So long as there were 50 states competing for capital and jobs, this was held in check by competition.  But now that the Federal government and its (soon to fail) magic money machine is in charge, the bureaucratic destruction has metastasized and is eating our nation alive.  For example, the latest financial 'reform' has 20 times more regulatory mandates that the previous record holder.

It's madness unless you're in Washington where it all seems so....right.

Break it up, break it all up.

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