Sunday, February 23, 2014

Worrying about the least and lightest

The minwage and Obamacare wage increases on those at the bottom will are estimated to be between 39 and 70% - these are massively destructive changes.  Which is why the Obami have postponed the employer mandate again and again and are phasing in the minwage hike.  But the really problem is the differential impact:  Obami 'social' policy is likely to hit the San Joaquin and Rio Grande Valleys, the Mississippi Delta, parts of New Mexico and Florida and small towns everywhere hard, very hard. You know, overwhelmingly black and brown places and/or where people have few options.

Won't make a tinker's damn worth of difference for SFO or MA or Manhattan or DC or upscale suburbs everywhere.

Kevin Williamson made a really trenchant point about the Minwage and Obamacare issues: this is less about 'helping' the poor and weak than about demonstrating who's boss: The Obami are the intellectual, scribbling left and they've been frustrated that no one listens to them at least since Johnson drawled off the stage. These laws don't follow logic, they're demonstrations of power. A last great Whitmanesque Yawp of the intelligensia on its political death ride.

And if millions of poor, weak people suffer for their self indulgent howls, well that's what welfare is for isn't it?

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