Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Obama has won the war on terror debate: for the right"

Glen Greenwald bemoans the fact that everything (and I mean everything) that the Bushies implemented in the GWOT has been ratified or in some cases (drone attacks) radically intensified under Obama.  All of the anti-war arguments made by The One as he peddled his hope and change turn out to have been lies.  And the believing left is suffering the torments of the damned (and ignored) for it.  Couldn't happen to a sweeter bunch of guys.  In Mr. Greenwalds own words:

But Obama's impact in this area extends far beyond that.  Dick Cheney is not only free of ignominy, but can run around claiming vindication from Obama's actions because he's right.  The American Right constantly said during the Bush years that any President who knew what Bush knew and was faced with the duty of keeping the country safe would do the same thing.  Obama has provided the best possible evidence imaginable to prove those claims true.
...Obama has won the War on Terror debate -- for the American Right.  And as Dick Cheney's interview last night demonstrates, they're every bit as appreciative as they should be.
Read the whole thing.

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